gift bouquets


Farewell flowers


Make River and Rose Floral Design your florist of choice for beautiful, bespoke flowers for your wedding or special occasion across Harrogate, Knaresborough and the surrounding areas.

With River and Rose Floral Design you can also give the gift of luxurious bouquets filled with stunning flowers, sourced fresh from Holland and hand delivered locally across Harrogate and Knaresborough.

Make that special day even more perfect or that special someone even more loved by choosing flowers from River and Rose Floral Design.

From the start Kirsty was professional yet personal, she took all our ideas on board and helped recommend some beautiful flowers as both my husband and I are both pretty clueless! We were blown away by her stunning creations and we had so many compliments on the day from our guests. If you need a florist for any occasion, Kirsty is who you need! Thank you again for everything, Love Mr and Mrs Gunning